Online Information System

An Online Information System for Monitoring Student Progress in Attaining Learning Goals

“If I could reduce all of educational psychology to a single principle it would be this: Ascertain what the student already knows and teach him accordingly.” ~ David Ausubel

This system is a web-based application for teachers, supervisors, and evaluation specialists. The system provides support to planning and improving student attainment on learning goals, for example, those targeted in the AIS (Assessment Information System) performance assessments. Graphic displays show individual, student, and class performance on each learning outcome. All reports are as current as the most recent assessment and cover the student’s entire career – including assessments by prior instructors. This longitudinal tracking allows teachers to observe student performance over the course of a student’s career, so a teacher has meaningful information about student performance on outcomes – even before the first day of class.

To experience the system yourself, please visit the AIS online information system at

You can access the demonstration using the following account:

PASSWORD = guest

For more information please email Paul Zachos at